Who IS the Radical Son?
First, let’s look at the word RADICAL. What is the meaning of radical? According to Dictionary.com, radical means:
1. thoroughgoing or extreme, especially as regards change from accepted or traditional form
2. favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms

Now, when one thinks of radicals in today’s society, we think of those causing unrest, or strife, or change. When we couple this with the word SON, in our context we come up with only One who fits this description; Jesus Christ.
Now, many may find this to be absurd. “Jesus was not radical. He went about preaching peace and love to the masses.”
True, but He also preached many other things, things that challenged and threatened the established social status quo, especially when it came to the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Scribes and the rules and regulations imposed upon the people.
As the Son of God, Jesus first and foremost preached forgiveness of sins by repentance, coupled with accepting Him as Savior (Mark 1:15; Romans 10:9). This went against all that the Jewish rulers taught! They lived (and died) by the law. Jesus challenged this, saying in essence, that God did not require that sinful man adhere to the law (they couldn’t, and neither can we; our sin nature makes it impossible), but that God (Christ) could, and would, forgive the sins of those who repented (See 1 John 1:9).

How else was Jesus radical? He overturned tables, and beliefs (see Matthew 21:12 and the entire 5th chapter of Matthew). Beliefs? Oh yes; forgive one’s enemy. Lusting is not just sleeping with someone, but THINKING of sleeping with someone.. and so many more.
Jesus was seen as a radical by the Rulers of His day, so much so that they plotted His demise. They thought they had succeeded as He hung upon the cross – but how wrong they were! This Radical Son rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and there intercedes with the Father on our behalf (Romans 8:34). He is our Advocate, the Radical One they tried so hard to repress.
Many of us have lived radical lives. We may feel society is done with us, that we can never undo our past. We may not be able to do so, but we can be forgiven, by the Lord of lords and King of kings. By Forgiveness, Grace, Mercy, Intercession, and unwavering Love, Jesus offers us freedom from our sinful life. Are YOU ready to live the life of the free and escape the captivity that holds you back? Let us know, and we will get back to you to share this Good News. Let your new life erase the pages you wrote with your old life. There is hope.